I've discovered that if you're watching a video sent through WhatsApp and you hold the phone closer to your ear to hear the sound better, it auto-senses your proximity to the phone and pauses the video. EVERY. DARN. TIME.
Drives me insane, because I don't want to listen to the video at full volume when I'm around other people. I like to make it softer and then listen close by. Also, the videos are usually of my nephew making funny noises or trying to sing or calling his mom "Babes!" in an imitation of his dad.. so the image isn't always important. I understand why, but gahhhhh.
Also, there's a browser-based app for both Telegram and WhatsApp.
Go to web dot whatsapp dot com and follow the instructions to connect your phone's WhatsApp session to the browser session, then you can chat from your computer! It uses a QR code to authenticate the session between the computer and the cellphone.