
  1. J

    If you get hacked, it's your own fault

    If you get hacked, it's your own fault People around the world have their Internet credentials compromised every day, and Internet users in South Africa are no different. You could even argue that consumers in South Africa are more at risk to hackers due to our government's less-than-stellar...
  2. D

    Linux Kali | USB Wifi dongles compatibility 2018 (monitor & packet injection)

    Hi all Could someone please advise me on a compatible Wifi USB dongle for Linux Kali? when i am saying compatible i mean with functions such as monitor mode and packet injection. I have seen a few threads on this but they are very old and none of the information can be used at present. The...
  3. RedViking

    What SMMEs can learn from SA’s biggest data leak

    Read ful larticle here: http://www.htxt.co.za/2017/11/03/what-smmes-can-learn-from-sas-biggest-data-leak/
  4. Kevin Lancaster

    Russian hacking had no effect on vote – Trump

    Russian hacking had no effect on vote – Trump US President-elect Donald Trump has said that hacking by foreign powers did not affect the final outcome of the November presidential election, after being briefed on an intelligence report blaming Russia’s Vladimir Putin for a cyber campaign to...
  5. D

    Bolt Website Security

    Bolt Website Security contacted a company with which I am affiliated, to sell their services for the company's 'hacked website/page' which Bolt detected. There are a few red flags popping up for various reasons, which I won't yet go into. Do you guys have any experience with them? Their...
  6. Kevin Lancaster

    South Africa one of the countries most vulnerable to hacking

    South Africa one of the countries most vulnerable to hacking A new map of the Internet by security firm Rapid7 has revealed the countries most vulnerable to hacking attacks.
  7. B

    FBI could soon legally hack any computer in the US – and possibly beyond

    The Supreme Court approved new rules on Thursday that would potentially give the FBI the authority to hack any computer in the United States, and potentially computers located overseas as well. Those hidden by Tor technology will also be vulnerable. Now the Congress have until December 1 to...
  8. Kevin Lancaster

    80% of healthcare providers have been hacked

    80% of healthcare providers have been hacked A new research report reveals that 80% of executives at healthcare providers say they have been compromised by cyber-attacks.
  9. L

    Ethical hacking / Pentesting

    Howsit guys, What do you guys think of this? Is there anyone around who has any experience in this field or any of the certifications? I would like to be able to get into this field, working as a network admin at the moment. In my spare time I like to spend a lot of time trying to crack...
  10. Kevin Lancaster

    SA government website taken down by hackers

    SA government website taken down by hackers An investigation was underway on Wednesday after the department of arts and culture’s website appeared to have been hacked.
  11. Kevin Lancaster

    Most of us don’t read the social media small print

    Most of us don’t read the social media small print Internet Mediate Human Behaviour Research is primarily defined by its use of the internet to obtain data about participants.
  12. Kevin Lancaster

    When secret government talks are hacked it shows no one is secure in the connected ag

    When secret government talks are hacked it shows no one is secure in the connected age Recent reports suggest luxury hotels may have been targeted by national intelligence services trying to spy on negotiations over Iran’s nuclear programme.
  13. Kevin Lancaster

    Rhema website hacked with anti-xenophobia message

    Rhema church website hacked with anti-xenophobia message Hackers who associate themselves with the online activist collective Anonymous defaced the Rhema Family of Churches website.
  14. Kevin Lancaster

    How techies, hackers swiped South African tax money

    How techies, hackers swiped SA tax money A document leaked as part of Al Jazeera and The Guardian’s “Spy Cables” reveals how techies and hackers defrauded or attempted to defraud the SA government
  15. Kevin Lancaster

    Mossad spies threatened cyber attack on SA

    Mossad spies threatened cyber attack on SA Former “Mossad spies” threatened a cyber attack on South Africa demanding an end to the Boycott Israel campaign
  16. Kevin Lancaster

    “Robin Hood” bank hackers steal $1 billion

    “Robin Hood” bank hackers steal $1 billion The hacker gang that looted as much as $1 billion worldwide from banks was unusual: It stole directly from the banks, instead of ripping off their customers
  17. Kevin Lancaster

    Malaysia Airlines hacked – Plane not found

    Malaysia Airlines hacked – Plane not found The website of embattled Malaysia Airlines has been hacked by a group proclaiming support for Islamic State group
  18. Kevin Lancaster

    Hackers target French websites

    Hackers target French websites Hackers have targeted about 19,000 French websites since a rampage by Islamic extremists left 20 dead last week
  19. Kevin Lancaster

    U.S. not superior in cyberwarfare

    U.S. not superior in cyberwarfare Gen. Martin Dempsey says the hacking of Sony Pictures Entertainment demonstrates the military superiority enjoyed by the United States doesn’t necessarily carry over to the cyberworld
  20. Kevin Lancaster

    North Korea’s Internet down amid hacking claims

    North Korea’s Internet down amid hacking claims North Korea experienced a complete Internet outage for hours before links were restored on Tuesday
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