WikiLeaks source Chelsea Manning set to be released
Chelsea Manning, the transgender army private jailed for one of the largest leaks of classified documents in US history, is set to walk out of a military prison on Wednesday after seven years behind bars.
iPhone and Mac hacks in WikiLeaks doc are old, fixed – Apple
WikiLeaks released documents recently as part of Vault 7 which revealed the CIA had tools to exploit vulnerabilities in iPhones and Macs.
WikiLeaks – Julian Assange questioned at the Ecuadorian embassy
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been questioned by prosecutors at the Ecuadorian embassy in London.
The SourceAmerica Tapes
Today, 16 November 2015 8:30 am EST, WikiLeaks publishes the 30 hours of secret tapes and transcripts at the heart of the AbilityOne/SourceAmerica scandal.
Thirteen Presidential Appointees (ten Obama, three Bush) are embroiled in a multi-billion dollar corruption...
WikiLeaks Bradley Manning is now a woman
A military appeals court is recognizing the transgender defendant accused of leaking classified information to WikiLeaks as a woman
Google gave WikiLeaks staff info to US government
The secrets-spilling group WikiLeaks has criticized Google for failing to inform it about U.S. search warrants issued against three of its staff
Swiss banker guilty of leaking secrets to WikiLeaks
A former private banker has been found guilty in Switzerland of breaking the country’s strict secrecy laws
Did SA government blow €2-million on spyware?
New information from WikiLeaks suggests that South Africa spent over €2-million on “weaponised German surveillance malware”
blue coat systems
department of trade and industry (dti)
rob davies
south african national defence force (sandf)
state security agency (ssa)
“SwaziLeaks” to expose ruling royals
As WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange prepares to end a two-year forced stay at Ecuador’s London embassy, he may take comfort in knowing he inspired resistance to secrecy in places as far away as Swaziland
WildLeaks targets top-end rhino, elephant poachers
The founders of WildLeaks — a sort of WikiLeaks for the environment — say it is the first secure, online whistle-blowing platform dedicated to wildlife and forest crime
Julian Assange to leave embassy hideout
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange says he will be leaving the Ecuadorean Embassy in London soon – but did not say when or explain his decision
Classified By: Charge d'Affaires a.i. Terence McCulley, reasons 1.4 (b) and (d) 1. (S) In recent discussions, Danish government officials and the chief prosecutor in the case against PKK-affiliated Roj-TV underscored their determination to address that case according to Danish law, expressing...
South African Spy Files link deepens to the tune of R3.6m
Privacy International has questioned government grants totalling just under R3.6-million given to VASTech, an SA-based mass surveillance equipment maker.
Assange decries WikiLeaks film, "The Fifth Estate"
The Toronto International Film Festival première's Bill Condon's dramatization of Assange and WikiLeaks, "The Fifth Estate"
Wikileak’s Assange files spying charges against US
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has filed charges in Germany claiming a US Marines intelligence officer spied on him