Honorary Master
lol all you Apple haters are so funny... think you're so "cool" dissing Apple.
Meanwhile they are the ones laughing all the way to the bank with $60 Billion or whatnot.
Unless your a share holder, bragging on how a company is shafting its end users is normally seen as a dumb move.
You think it's funny when they sue other companies for silly stuff, asking yourself "OMG Why do they do this?!"
They know exactly what they're doing...
Nothing funny about patent debates, Software patents is still crap in my eye doesn't matter who is doing the sui'ing.
Maybe you should read up on the matter or watch a video or 2
http://vimeo.com/36881035 (Video)
http://patentabsurdity.com/ (Video)
More reading:
Saying: "and it will be marketed as "the new iPhone" LOL.
Yep...because they know what they're doing. don't think you know marketing better than Apple do.
They will most probably use it to get in line with iPod, Mac and Macbook naming. Dont think its a bad idea, just think they can do without the "New" part
You Apple haters are adorable, especially the android fanbois.
People are different, some like Apple, some like Samsung, and some like Erricson. it all depends on how much money you got and how much flexibility you want.
Some users like the Apple ecosystem, some hate iTunes (like me) and some hate it so much they go Android. It's just a phone people, not a religion.
And still going on about the iPhone and copy/paste? C'mon..Seriously, that was so long ago i'm not even sure if Android even existed back then![]()
Not still going on about it, just pointing out the history of features vs users views, you know, showing the pattern, here is another one see 4G.
As for Hate, I do think there is a lot of people that love Apple products, its just that certain things that some would like to see to made the products better so they tend to voice their opinions on the matter, and I dont think Cosatu or such won the last election so I am pritty sure we are still free to voice our thoughts.