Dank meme lord
Is it just me or has BA gone a bit stupid as of late? I was under the impression they were very nice until last night.
My wife is doing a post doctoral study on oysters after completing her PhD on abalone reproduction. For the past two years she has visited various oysters farms, local and abroad. Some of the trips have been to Japan and Tasmania so she does travel a bit, yesterday she had to go to Mexico.
The Mexican consulate in Pretoria said she can simply get a US visa here in Cape Town and then she would be allowed into Mexico. This suits her perfectly because next year she needs to go to Louisiana. Unfortunately at check in last night the people at BA did not agree, they said to get to Mexico with a US visa you need to stop over somewhere in the USA. They also insisted that she needs a UK visa even though she is just stopping over at Heathrow. They were not the most pleasant of people to deal with.
An hour and some tears later the universities travel agent doing her flight bookings got her on KLM to Amsterdam and the folks at KLM said there is absolutely no problem with the paperwork or getting her to Mexico from Amsterdam and back in two weeks time. Their flights are also slightly cheaper than BA.
Anyone else recently had issues with BA?
My wife is doing a post doctoral study on oysters after completing her PhD on abalone reproduction. For the past two years she has visited various oysters farms, local and abroad. Some of the trips have been to Japan and Tasmania so she does travel a bit, yesterday she had to go to Mexico.
The Mexican consulate in Pretoria said she can simply get a US visa here in Cape Town and then she would be allowed into Mexico. This suits her perfectly because next year she needs to go to Louisiana. Unfortunately at check in last night the people at BA did not agree, they said to get to Mexico with a US visa you need to stop over somewhere in the USA. They also insisted that she needs a UK visa even though she is just stopping over at Heathrow. They were not the most pleasant of people to deal with.
An hour and some tears later the universities travel agent doing her flight bookings got her on KLM to Amsterdam and the folks at KLM said there is absolutely no problem with the paperwork or getting her to Mexico from Amsterdam and back in two weeks time. Their flights are also slightly cheaper than BA.
Anyone else recently had issues with BA?