
  1. Kevin Lancaster

    Top fixed-broadband countries in the world

    Top fixed-broadband countries in the world Point Topic’s Trends in Global Broadband Subscribers report for Q3 2016 shows that China is driving fixed-broadband adoption. The report showed that over 70% of all net adds in fixed-broadband subscribers came from East Asia in the quarter.
  2. N

    Broadband-centric investigate journalism request

    How 'bout a formal investigation into why 'outlying areas' are still bereft of 10Mbps ADSL services while paying the same rate for their 4Mbps services as their 10Mbps counterparts? Specifically, why are said 4Mbps subscribers forced to pay the same for half the upload speed as their 10Mbps or...
  3. Kevin Lancaster

    South African broadband price shock

    South African broadband price shock Point Topic has released its latest broadband tariff country scorecard, which sees South Africa at the bottom of global rankings.
  4. Kevin Lancaster

    Great broadband news for South Africans

    Great broadband news for South Africans An agreement between WBS and Vodacom will accelerate the roll-out of a new LTE-Advanced network, which will offer fast, affordable broadband services in the country.
  5. Kevin Lancaster

    South African broadband speeds: 2007 to 2016

    South African broadband speeds: 2007 to 2016 The latest Akamai State of the Internet report shows how South Africa’s average and peak broadband speeds have changed over the last nine years.
  6. Rouxenator

    80mbps VDSL ?

    I wonder if they will ever give 80mbps as an option on VDSL?
  7. Kevin Lancaster

    Fastest broadband speed test in South Africa – 958Mbps

    Fastest broadband speed test in South Africa – 958Mbps The latest MyBroadband speed test results reveal the highest peak fixed and mobile broadband speeds recorded over the last month.
  8. Kevin Lancaster

    This is how broadband services should be advertised

    This is how broadband services should be advertised The Advertising Standards Authority in the United Kingdom has implemented new rules to clearly show how much you will pay for a broadband service.
  9. Kevin Lancaster

    Department of Telecommunications’ progress in connecting schools - Zero

    Department of Telecommunications’ progress in connecting schools and government institutions – Zero “No targets relating to the national broadband plan have been met as the tender for connecting government institutions and schools has not been awarded as yet,” said the DTPS.
  10. Kevin Lancaster

    The risk of “stupid money” and government dictating broadband prices

    The risk of “stupid money” and government dictating broadband prices Cybersmart CEO Laurie Fialkov highlights the risk of government involvement in determining pricing in the telecommunications industry.
  11. Kevin Lancaster

    Broadband Speed Shoot-out: South Africa vs Kenya vs Mauritius

    Broadband Speed Shoot-out: South Africa vs Kenya vs Mauritius The latest Akamai State of the Internet report shows how South Africa’s average and peak broadband speeds stack up against other African countries.
  12. P

    1Gig for every recharge over R20

    I just got this sms from MTN : 1GB FREE! New MTN Prepaid Base Priceplan SIMs, recharge with R20 or more and get 1GB Data FREE valid for 2 days. TsCs . Anyone got more info?
  13. Kevin Lancaster

    South Africa’s broadband revenue to hit R68.5 billion in 2020

    South Africa’s broadband revenue to hit R68.5 billion in 2020 PWC’s Entertainment and Media report shows that South Africa’s total Internet access revenue will increase to R68.5 billion in 2020.
  14. B

    Neotel 4Mbps LTE Review (Installation and Speed test)

    Hello All, So here's my first ever post here. I thought I should share my experience with you all as this forum was guided me in making a decision on what ISP to go with. So I recently moved to a new complex in Craigavon Area in Fourways and was in desperate need of good Internet. I...
  15. C

    LA Webs HOT DEALS!

    Great Savings at LA Webs Don't miss out on these savings Save on your companies hosting for a complete year with 50% discount. Get a fibre connection through LA Webs and get free hosting We have various website upgrades underway. This includes the following. More...
  16. C

    LA Webs ISP News

    We decided to start a new thread. And for our first news post we are glad to announce that we have a new logo design. We needed a more comfortable logo with strong meaning for our company so we took it to a graphic designer to redo the whole Logo for us. We are pretty happy with the...
  17. Kevin Lancaster

    Best and worst broadband services in South Africa

    Best and worst broadband services in South Africa The latest MyBroadband survey reveals which fixed and mobile broadband services are rated as the best by South Africa’s IT community.
  18. Kevin Lancaster

    Highest fixed and mobile broadband speeds in South Africa

    Highest fixed and mobile broadband speeds in South Africa The latest MyBroadband speed test results reveal the highest peak fixed and mobile broadband speeds recorded over the last month.
  19. Kevin Lancaster

    Your broadband choices in South Africa

    Your broadband choices in South Africa South Africans can now choose between a wide range of broadband products, including fibre-to-the-home, VDSL, ADSL, Wi-Fi, fixed wireless, and mobile services.
  20. A

    Telkom Huawei B315s LTE Router with Telkom's Smart Braodband Uncapped Wireless ....

    Hi, My router isn't doing anything other than showing the power light. I've tried to access it to reset - both through LAN cable and WiFi but didn't manage. I'm told that the router has broken. I've only had it appr. 8 months. :mad: Has anyone experienced this? What did you do / what do I...
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