I semi-bricked my router by telnetting ISP info from two tenet services at the same time.
1 Green power light.
2 Flashing DSL light without line connected
3 Steady DSL light when line connected showing valid ADSL connection
4 Blinking LAN light when connected to computer
Please help
Hey all!
So I bought a D-Link DSL 2750u Router a while back when I upgraded my account from 4mb to 10mb (uncapped). This was done to replace a relatively old TP-Link router which had relatively slow wireless connection. Anyway, the router worked great for 2 or 3 months, then for no apparent...
I am trying to configure my D-Link router so that when anyone on the wi-fi tries to access a domain name, it routes them to a specific local IP address. For instance, if they enter mydomain.local, it must automatically route them to on the network, which is set up as a local web...
Found a new firmware.... You know you wanna try it....
Hi guys
I have minimal networking skills, but I assume that I need to configure gateway or DNS here. Let me give you the setup:
1. First D-Link router is in office #1. It receives internet connectivity via land line ADSL. There are 2 notebooks in that office that get internet wirelessly...
Hi MyBBer's,
I want to be able to configure a Tenda A3 wireless range extender to extend the range of an existing wireless router (D-Link 2750u) but I'm struggling a bit with figuring out how to correctly configure the 2750u.
In brief, I understand that the A3 needs to be configured in...