wireless network

  1. D

    Routers that are both 3G and Wifi capable?

    Hi guys, I am in the market to purchase a new router, however, the area I stay in does not have Telkom infrastruture, in PMB, hence I am using Afrihost's Mobile Data package. I have multple WIFI devices at home and need to replace my old Tenda N+ adsl router with one that I can use with all...
  2. R

    Wirelessly connecting two properties about 450m from each other

    Hi guys I wonder if anyone here can help me - my father-in-law and I want to setup a wireless network between our two places - we're about 450m as the crow flies from each other, and line-of-sight I think will be possible with a pole or two. Main reason is he's on the one plot in town...
  3. A

    wireless Router intemittent connectivity issue

    Hi Everyone, I have got an Huawei HG8245 wireless router with 40 mbps optical connection on it and as we are in the same room as of the wireless router itself we are connected through wifi and the issue is that when i ping to the Ip address given to the router i.e., the Default gateway there...
  4. J

    Need help with creating a WIFI home network

    Hi. I need help with creating a home Wifi network. I purchased an epad and having trouble connecting it to my 3G neotel modem, so therefore cannot access the internet from it. I now want to create a wireless network so that I can connect the epad to it to access the internet. What do I need...
  5. jes

    Should SA telcoms operators build an open access radio network?

    Should SA telcoms operators build an open access radio network? Vodacom CEO argues that a single broadband network, making the most of spectrum resources, is the best way to go for rural SA
  6. jes

    PTAWUG high site receives ICASA approval

    PTAWUG high site receives ICASA approval Free wireless community network ‘approved’ by ICASA after inspection, with some encouraging comments
  7. rpm

    Free wireless network shows strong growth

    Free wireless network: Thousand and counting PTAWUG, promising free, high speed and unlimited network access, is growing at a rapid rate
  8. morkhans

    3G/HSPA/LTE Routers

    I'm going to try and collect all router information here about what people have got working. If you get a router working please post the model, firmware and any tricks you needed to make things work. Also post the model of the Cell C modem you have and if things like SMS / USSD is supported...
  9. F

    Neotel and Wireless Networking?

    Hi all, Please bare with me through this long and tedious post. This is my dilemma... All I want to be able to do is: A) Share my internet connection via wireless to other devices (namely my XBOX 360 and Macbook Pro). B) Share files/folders via wireless to other devices (as specified...
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