iphone 4

  1. C

    iphone 4 jailbreak

    Has anyone jailbroken their new iphone 4 yet? If so anything to write about? What did you use etc....
  2. rpm

    Vodacom iPhone 4 Pricing Unveiled

    iPhone 4 Pricing Unveiled The iPhone 4 is available today from selected Vodacom and MTN outlets, available free of charge on certain cellular contracts
  3. Cellucity

    iPhone 4 Vodacom Contract prices

    Hi all Herewith the pricing on contracts for both 16GB and 32GB with pay ins or on Monthly Payment (Finance options)... Stock is still extremely constrained. I have listed all options available, so apologies if the post is a tad "messy" APPLE iPHONE 4 16G FREE ON TALK 1000 APPLE iPHONE...
  4. rpm

    iPhone 4 launched in SA on Tuesday night

    iPhone 4 here on Tuesday night MTN and Vodacom set to launch the iPhone 4 in South Africa at midnight on Tuesday night
  5. S

    Iphone 4 prepaid pricing for Vodacom.

    hey guys Both Vodacom and MTN are having launch party's for the iphone 4 tomorrow night making them available from the 22nd Of September. After tweeting: Tag11Mac tweeted saying that Vodacom dealers have the prepaid price of them,he reckons that the price is Iphone 4 16GB=R7399 iphone 4...
  6. Cellucity

    iphone 4 is here

    we just confirmed our order, the iphone 4 will be available at our stores (cellucity) as of the 21 September:D
  7. S

    iphone 4 selling in Namibia-Pricing and package is very well priced.

    It amazes me that Namibia has got the iphone 4 before us although I really should not be surprised.What I was surprised about was the pricing of the devise on a contract,I think its a good price for the devise and for what you get on the package I would be happy paying that per month. This...
  8. C

    Iphone 4, R4000 pay in on Talk 500...

    Today i was told that i should be looking in the region of about R4000 pay in for the new iphone 4... my upgrade was on the 30th of August so its due now,... I know no one really knows what the price will be, but do you think this could be in the right area?
  9. jes

    iPhone 4 launch confirmed by MTN

    iPhone 4 launch confirmed by MTN MTN says that it will launch the new iPhone 4 in September
  10. d0b33

    iPhone 4 owners report fewer dropped calls than iPhone 3GS

  11. C

    jailbroken iphone4 or HTC Desire, Galaxy S... most powerful

    What do you guys think is the most powerful (feature packed, techie etc) smartphone out of a JAILBROKEN Iphone 4, Desire or Galaxy S?
  12. C

    A cheaper iphone 4.. What do you think?

    I was wondering, seeing as though vodacom don't have exclusivity to the iphone 4 anymore and with the announcement that mtn will be selling them too. Do you think this healthy competition will bring down the price of the very expensive phone?
  13. B

    importing an iPhone 4 from the US - will it work in SA?

    I'm considering importing an iPhone 4. Will it work on SA's cell networks? e.g. are they blocked? ar ethere any compatibility issues I should be aware of? etc. seems that they are soon available without the contact obligation...
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