local loop unbundling

  1. Kevin Lancaster

    Icasa's ever changing stance on LLU

    Don’t fall for Icasa’s changing LLU story The local loop unbundling story in South Africa shows exactly why many people say the regulator is useless and toothless
  2. QuintonB

    Icasa LLU drafts slammed by IS

    Internet Solutions slams Icasa over LLU Icasa’s new draft regulations on LLU is so vague and so broad as to be impossible to implement, says local ISP Internet Solutions.
  3. Jan

    Local Loop Unbundling draft regulations gazetted

    Local Loop Unbundling draft regulations published ICASA publishes the draft Local Loop Unbundling regulations for public comments.
  4. jes

    Telkom ADSL bitstream delay - ICASA issues explanation

    Telkom ADSL bitstream delay - ICASA issues explanation ICASA explains why a bitstream access service was not launched by 1 November 2012 as set down by the regulator
  5. jes

    LLU battle - Neotel prevails in first round

    LLU battle - Neotel prevails in first round ICASA’s Complaints and Compliance Committee rebukes regulator over LLU delays and silence
  6. jes

    LLU: Bitstream gets a launch date

    LLU: Bitstream gets a launch date ICASA has announced a launch date for bitstream access in South Africa
  7. QuintonB

    Telkom fixed line monopoly won't be protected

    Telkom fixed line monopoly won’t be protected: DoC The Department of Communications is wary to comment on Telkom profits in the wake of local loop unbundling, but says it won’t protect the incumbent’s monopoly
  8. jes

    ICASA details Local Loop Unbundling hearings to take place 11-13 October 2011

    ICASA details Local Loop Unbundling hearings to take place 11-13 October 2011 ICASA today released the details about its Local Loop Unbundling hearings which will take place next week
  9. jes

    Consumers voice opinion on Local Loop Unbundling

    Consumers voice opinion on Local Loop Unbundling MyBroadband, in partnership with Ellipsis Regulatory Solution, submits feedback to ICASA about its LLU discussion document
  10. jes

    Is Local loop unbundling pro-rich and anti-poor?

    Is Local loop unbundling pro-rich and anti-poor? There is no correlation between LLU and increasing access in deep rural areas, says Telkom’s Andrew Barendse
  11. jes

    Does Local Loop Unbundling stand a chance?

    Does Local Loop Unbundling stand a chance? Will Telkom successfully lobby influential role-players to avoid the implementation of full LLU?
  12. jes

    LLU and the prospect of cheaper broadband

    LLU and the prospect of cheaper broadband Will LLU results in more widespread and affordable broadband or simple be a worthless, contentious and costly distraction?
  13. jes

    Will LLU really bring cheaper ADSL?

    Will LLU really bring cheaper ADSL? Many people pin their hopes on Local Loop Unbundling to drive down ADSL costs, but it is far from a certainty
  14. jes

    Local loop unbundling has come ‘too late’

    Local loop unbundling has come ‘too late’ ‘Too little, too late” was the general reaction to ICASA’s recent Local Loop Unbundling discussion document
  15. jes

    ICASA unveils LLU discussion document (22 June 2011)

    ICASA unveils LLU discussion document ICASA today released their Local Loop Unbundling discussion document, inviting comment from stakeholders
  16. rpm

    Will LLU help with better broadband in SA?

    'LLU won't solve problem of faster, better broadband' Unbundling of the local loop won't solve the problem of faster and more widespread broadband access in South Africa, says Dr Richard Majoor from Telkom
  17. T

    Local loop unbundling

    Local loop unbundling (LLU or LLUB) is the regulatory process of allowing multiple telecommunications operators to use connections from the telephone exchange's central office to the customer's premises. The physical wire connection between customer and company is known as a "local loop", and it...
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