
  1. H

    openweb experience and disconnects.

    I would like to know if any1 else having the problem where your account at openweb suddenly disconnects? In the past I phoned and they mailed me through my account details and sumhow my password for my account changed whiched caused me to disconnect. This has happened twice last year and...
  2. S

    Running OpenBrowse and routesentry simultaneously.

    I would like to find out if it is possible to run both OpenBrowse and route sentry simultaneously.In other words what I would like to do is buy a 20gig openweb local account and use that with my international cap with route sentry.I would then only use the international cap for international...
  3. AntiThesis

    FAO: Openweb

    Hey :) I know you guys frequent this forum and this appears to be the only way of getting hold of you. I've tried to send to [email protected] with no result. I've tried to send to [email protected] with only a form email "Thank you SO much for your email!" as a return and nothing...
  4. N

    Speed issue with Opebweb VPN

    Support issue with OpenWeb I have the 512k 10GB VPN package from OpenWeb. It's been fine for a few months, but for the last 2 weeks I've been getting dismal speeds (Max 20KB/s, average 10KB/s, min 1.5KB/s). This has been quite an issue for me as I need the Internet for work. But that's not...
  5. C

    New Openweb Uncapped November special??

    Anyone notice the Openweb Uncapped special. it seems reasonable. However befor signing up I'd like to know a few things. Will I still have to pay the full amount if I signup now? Is the price per month only for November or will it continue throught next year? I currently have a 4mb line...
  6. F

    Openweb IS Fibre ADSL Account

    Is the Openweb IS Fibre ADSL Account any good? What speed does one get after hours? Is it quite stable?
  7. N

    Paid OpenWeb ISP for 3 months in advance and still waiting for activation

    Hi MyADSL Readers I signed up Friday for the 10GB 512Kbps VPN ADSL package from OpenWeb ( and selected on their ordering process that this is once-off and paid with my credit card. OpenWeb's CEO came back to me on Saturday and said that he cannot activate the account...
  8. S

    Share Openweb VPN?

    Hi guys, When I signed up for VPN I was pretty sure there was nothing about the account only giving you one login.. I look for this kind of stuff as I have two computers on my home network. I now see that there is a #5 on the promotion site referring to only one connection being allowed. I...
  9. H

    Openweb VPN Woes

    I know there are several other posts on Openweb VPN issues, but I don't think mine quite falls into those categories. I've had the Openweb VPN since it came out and was pretty happy with it until this month. For some reason I managed to get international bandwidth without connecting to the...
  10. M

    OpenWeb VPN: Why So Rubbish?

    I really want to like the OpenWeb VPN offering but unfortunately I have been unable to use it properly. I signed up for a 10gig 384K account on Tuesday this week. So far I have managed to use it twice for about 30 mins. I am using it on Mac OSX. The VPN connection doesn't get dropped it stays...
  11. B

    OpenWeb Blocking Websites

    So, tonight I opened up OpenRouter and I entered my login details and logged in. It was smooth sailing until I received the following error message when I tried to access a few sites. Excuse me... Pornography website? No. What the hell is up with this? Why are they blocking websites even...
  12. J

    OpenWeb VPN questions...

    Hello I just saw the OpenWeb VPN offering and am interested by the 10Gig account they now offer. Just a few questions: If you have a 384kbps ADSL line, you will still get 384kps right? Not 512kbps. Do you get any email addresses with this? How is the latency in this and the speed? Can...
  13. M

    Openweb SPAM

    I am sick of all the openweb 'please pay your account' emails. They keep coming despite not having an account with them: You guys should know better! Surely one doesn't have to ask you to add an 'opt out' feature to the email... why the '[email protected]' reply address? To protect...
  14. D

    OpenWeb Signup Error

    Hi MrBEEP, I was attempting to signup with OpenWeb and got the following error after confirmation that "I Agree to the Terms and Conditions": Please let me know once it's fixed? Thanks.
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